雙和恩典教會 Grace Church

💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1027

1.“I attended Grace Church, and found it to be a warm and welcoming place. The pastor was very personable and was very willing to answer questions and address any spiritual issues. The music was very uplifting and the sermon was well thought out and had a clear message. Everyone seemed to get along and enjoy each other's company. I would definitely recommend this church to anyone looking for a place to worship and grow in their faith.” -Jordan J. 

2.“I recently visited Grace Church and was very impressed. The worship service had amazing music, great sermons, and an overall positive atmosphere. The staff was very welcoming and friendly, and I felt they really cared about my spiritual growth. I would highly recommend this church to anyone looking for a place to be spiritually fed and connected.” -Jake S. 

3.“I've been a part of Grace Church for about a year and a half and I can honestly say it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. The worship, teaching, and general atmosphere of the church has been so encouraging. The pastors and staff have all been wonderful people who are very welcoming and open. If you're looking for a church to call home I would definitely recommend Grace Church.” -Stephanie K.

🏟 大西基督教會(次):361台灣苗栗縣造橋鄉大坪橋;尖豐路51號
🏟 台灣基督長老教會知本教會(次):950台灣台東縣台東市知本路三段562號
🏟 浸信會榮光堂(次):200台灣基隆市仁愛區仁一路297號
🏟 西環基督教會-尖沙咀分堂(次):香港尖沙咀加連威老道38-40號
🏟 基督教台東錫安堂教會(次):950台灣台東縣台東市開封街620號
🏟 新莊台福基督教會(次):242台灣新北市新莊區中正路516-13號
🏟 基督教- 內惟宣道會(次):804台灣高雄市鼓山區葆禎路255號
🏟 臺灣基督長老教會達瓦達旺教會(次):901台灣屏東縣三地門鄉達來村29之2號
🏟 台中基督徒教會(次):406台灣台中市北屯區文心路四段329號
🏟 大中華圈本部教會(次):235台灣新北市中和區中正路932號
🏟 財團法人台灣省台南福音基督教會(次):701台灣東區衛國街19號
🏟 蘆洲迦勒靈糧福音中心(次):241台灣新北市蘆洲區長興路292號
🏟 台灣神的教會(次):10491台灣中山區龍江路229巷3-1號
🏟 花蓮_佐倉_聖方濟沙勿略天主堂(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市中山路一段168號號
🏟 財團法人台北市基督教台灣貴格會與神同行教(次):114台灣內湖區港墘路75號
🏟 基督教台灣貴格會保羅堂(次):330台灣桃園市桃園區建國路99號
🏟 池上長老教會(次):958台灣台東縣池上鄉中山路95號
🏟 耶穌基督後期聖徒教會 竹南教堂(次):350台灣苗栗縣竹南鎮沙埔7鄰21號之1號
🏟 基督教埔里生命河教會(次):545台灣南投縣埔里鎮西康路12號
🏟 壯圍聖若望天主堂(次):263台灣宜蘭縣壯圍鄉壯五路119號
🏟 屏東萬人教會(次):900台灣屏東縣屏東市瑞光路三段196號
🏟 中華基督教信義會得勝堂(次):300台灣新竹市東區大學路51巷11號
🏟 San-kuang Presbyteri(次):24154台灣新北市三重區三和路四段388-2號
🏟 善化聖教會(次):741台灣善化區民權路87巷7號
🏟 桃園愛修園(次):320台灣桃園市中壢區復華街212號