Mirage Motor Pte Ltd

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2711
170 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #05-12, Bukit Timah Shopping Centre, 新加坡 588179
6465 4725

1.Mirage Motor Pte Ltd為新加坡一家專業的汽車維修及改裝公司,其服務範圍包括汽車維修、改裝、清潔等。






在Google上搜尋「Mirage Motor Pte Ltd」,可以看到該公司的Google商店評分為4.7/5星,很多客戶給予該公司很好的評價,相關大眾評論如下:

1.“I had a great experience with Mirage Motor Pte Ltd. The customer service was excellent and the team was really helpful. Highly recommended!”

2.“I brought my car to Mirage Motor for a service and they did an excellent job. The staff were friendly and knowledgable and the price was also competitive. Highly recommended!”

3.“I had to bring my car to Mirage Motor Pte Ltd for repairs. The staff were professional and knowledgeable and the job was done quickly. I'm very happy with their service.”

4.“I brought my car to Mirage Motor for a service and the staff was great. They were knowledgeable and very helpful. Highly recommended!”


在Facebook上搜尋Mirage Motor Pte Ltd,可以看到該公司的Facebook粉絲頁評分為4.7/5星,很多客戶給予該公司很好的評價,相關大眾評論如下:

1.“I had a great experience with Mirage Motor Pte Ltd. The customer service was excellent and they did a great job on my car. Highly recommended!”

2.“I took my car to Mirage Motor for a service and they did an amazing job. The staff were friendly and knowledgeable, and the price was very reasonable. Definitely recommend for anyone looking for a reliable car service.”

3.“I had to bring my car to Mirage Motor for repairs and they did an amazing job. The staff was very professional and knowledgeable. Highly recommend!”

4.“I brought my car to Mirage Motor for a service and they did an excellent job. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable and the price was also very reasonable. Highly recommend!”

🏟 伏榮汽車裝璜行(次):401台灣台中市東區建中街67之2號
🏟 弘昌貿易股份有限公司(次):103台灣台北市大同區長安西路78巷3弄8號
🏟 Choong Kok Agency Pt(次):79 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, Shun Li Industrial Park, 新加坡 417952
🏟 尚味汽車商行(次):812台灣高雄市小港區沿海一路437號
🏟 達發企業社(次):402台灣臺中市南區台中市南區信義南街150號
🏟 廣發貿易 GO-FINE 夠好(次):206台灣基隆市七堵區明德一路106號1樓
🏟 俊業車業(次):950台灣台東縣台東市中華路三段293號
🏟 宜蘭Easy Car野馬二手車專売店(次):268台灣宜蘭縣五結鄉中正路二段198巷
🏟 阿里巴巴台南公園店(次):704台灣台南市北區公園路277號
🏟 上豪汽車電機行(次):235台灣新北市中和區員山路379號
🏟 偉華汽車工程(次):香港土瓜灣
🏟 僑峰實業股份有限公司(次):814台灣高雄市仁武區安樂東街
🏟 沿海汽車企業社(次):812台灣高雄市小港區沿海一路101號
🏟 歐納汽車百貨企業社(次):235台灣中和區景新街131號
🏟 保時捷汽車公司(次):408台灣台中市南屯區文心路一段447號
🏟 領導先峰股份有限公司(次):406台灣北屯區崇德二路二段225號
🏟 德記汽車材料行(次):42344台灣臺中市東勢區東崎路五段486號1樓
🏟 百晟汽車裝璜(次):320台灣桃園市中壢區遠東路57巷3號
🏟 Lim Hup Spare Parts(次):6 Kranji Loop, #01-30, 新加坡 739542
🏟 SUM永豐汽車(次):407台灣臺中市西屯區台中市西屯區文心路三段352號
🏟 陽明電機行(次):634台灣雲林縣褒忠鄉三民路3號
🏟 尚穩車業(次):號, No. 695崇善路東區台南市台灣 701
🏟 豐億汽車(次):300台灣新竹市北區經國路三段
🏟 TOYOTA汽車國都豐田士林服務廠(次):111台灣台北市士林區文昌路69號
🏟 Hanns Auto Pte Ltd(次):#03-17, One Commonwealth, 1 Commonwealth Ln, Singapore 149544