
💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1899


(一) 維修汽車的部分,香港利豐汽車公司提供24小時全天候的服務,有效應對不同的汽車需求;

(二) 銷售汽車的部分,香港利豐汽車公司提供多種汽車品牌可供消費者選擇,使消費者更容易挑選合適的汽車,而且價格相對較低;

(三) 香港利豐汽車公司亦有多種針對汽車的零件,讓用家可以更簡便方便購買零件。


1. "I just purchased a car from Richard Li of Lei Fung Auto. He was a great help and he was very knowledgeable. He was very patient and answered all my questions. He gave me a great deal and I recommend Lei Fung Auto for anyone looking for a new vehicle."

2. "I was in the market for a car months ago and after researching quite a few dealers, I decided to go with Lei Fung Auto. My experience with them was great overall. The staff was friendly and helpful, the selection of cars was good, and the price was reasonable. Highly recommend!"

3. "I recently bought a car from Lei Fung Auto. It was an excellent experience. The staff was friendly and accommodating, the selection of cars was extensive, and the prices were unbeatable. Highly recommend them if you're looking for a car in Hong Kong."

🏟 System Motor Trading(次):1002 Bukit Merah Lane 3, Singapore 159719
🏟 Sunauto Pte Ltd(次):38 Toh Guan Rd E, 新加坡 608581
🏟 和光建設股份有限公司(次):251台灣淡水區新市一路三段103號
🏟 先達汽車工程有限公司(次):香港
🏟 Hertz(次):330 SW Pine St, Portland, OR 97204美國
🏟 iDrive Autohaus Ltd(次):2810 NE Broadway St, Portland, OR 97232美國
🏟 Equipment Engrg Pte(次):20 Bukit Batok Cres, 新加坡 658080
🏟 長威科技有限公司(次):242台灣新北市新莊區建安街75號6樓
🏟 順弈車業(次):242台灣新北市新莊區中平路198巷9號
🏟 兄弟汽車貨(次):946台灣屏東縣恆春鎮省北路143號
🏟 Yew Lee Battery Co(次):1001 Bukit Merah Lane 3, 新加坡 159718
🏟 上展車業(次):號, No. 39仁東街東區台南市台灣 701
🏟 昌桀汽車(次):333台灣桃園市龜山區文化三路26-1號
🏟 凇運汽車公司(次):香港粉嶺粉嶺聯和墟和滿街9號地庫B1
🏟 轎聯汽車行(次):100台灣台北市中正區南海路91號
🏟 在首汽車材料(次):807台灣高雄市三民區義永路54巷11弄17號
🏟 培記(次):香港通明街82號
🏟 鴻運汽車公司(次):香港新蒲崗七寶街1號
🏟 Energy Equipment Ser(次):11 Pandan Rd, Singapore 609259
🏟 鐵路邊中古汽車(次):600台灣嘉義市東區忠孝路723號
🏟 建新汽車材料有限公司(次):236台灣新北市土城忠義路117-1號
🏟 宇晟汽車大樓隔熱紙 FSK冰鑽 K-To(次):265台灣宜蘭縣羅東鎮中正南路63-3號
🏟 金福利車業(次):220台灣新北市板橋區介壽街34號號
🏟 三進實業有限公司(次):10491台灣台北市中山區林森北路107巷90號
🏟 宗麒汽車(次):號, No. 143保安路永和區新北市台灣 234