Carlinks Internation

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1230
210 Turf Club Rd, 新加坡 287995
6467 7710

1. CarLinks International is a Singapore-based car dealership that specializes in providing used car sales, leasing, and other services to its customers. 

2. CarLinks International has been in operation since 2013 and has earned a reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy provider of quality used cars at competitive prices. 

3. CarLinks International offers a comprehensive selection of used cars, ranging from compact and city cars to luxury cars, that are available for purchase, leasing and hire. 

4. The company has an extensive network of experienced and knowledgeable staff members who are always ready to assist customers in finding the ideal car for their needs. 

5. CarLinks International also provides a range of car maintenance services, including regular servicing, repair work, and vehicle safety checks, ensuring that customers can enjoy their vehicles for a long time. 

6. To ensure customer satisfaction, CarLinks International offers a no-hassle 14-day money-back guarantee on all purchases, as well as a two-year warranty on select cars. 

7. Finally, CarLinks International has a loyalty program for customers who make frequent purchases. Customers can access discounts and other benefits with their loyalty program points.

許多人對新加坡Carlinks International有正面的評論,他們認為該公司提供的服務非常便宜、快速和可靠,可以滿足他們旅行的需求。他們還認為服務中的司機都非常友善,並能提供對於當地文化和地方的指導,讓他們獲得更多的了解。另外,他們也對該公司的車輛質量以及設備都有很高的評價。

🏟 華通車業(次):202台灣基隆市中正區義二路196號
🏟 信宏汽車(次):110台灣台北市信義區林口街220號
🏟 SUZUKI佳新東台南服務廠(次):701台灣台南市東區仁和路8號
🏟 安信汽車有限公司(次):香港火炭山尾街31-35號
🏟 威四技(次):號, No. 700-16中正路新莊區新北市台灣 242
🏟 協合國際行銷(次):108台灣台北市萬華區西園路二段235號
🏟 騰遠汽車材料商行(次):701台灣東區崇德十九街86號
🏟 Zung Fu Company Limi(次):香港九龍灣宏照道33號號國際交易中心地1
🏟 大記汽車服務工程(次):香港蘇屋
🏟 電池大王板橋店(次):號, No. 320長江路二段板橋區新北市台灣 220
🏟 定檢站-RB9富皇實業社(次):710台灣台南市永康區復興路20號
🏟 武昌車業(次):220台灣新北市板橋區信義路68-1號
🏟 上發汽車行(次):512台灣彰化縣永靖鄉中山路二段425號
🏟 Edwards Lubrication(次):1440 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214美國
🏟 Britesparx Bodyworks(次):9A Lok Yang Way, Singapore 628628
🏟 NTI快速汽車護理 - 鴻圖道(次):香港觀塘鴻圖道33號
🏟 DLR-歸仁(次):711台灣台南市歸仁區中山路三段359號
🏟 辰祐汽車音響彰化店(次):500台灣彰化縣彰化市金馬路三段93號
🏟 Marios Auto Body(次):6514 NE 42nd Ave, Portland, OR 97218美國
🏟 上群汽車(次):號, No. 58港墘路內湖區台北市台灣 114
🏟 竹林市場麵包攤(次):No. 21 Lane 225 Zhulin Rd, 永和區新北市台灣 234
🏟 競速汽車(次):241台灣新北市三重區貴陽街42號
🏟 群峰車業 ChunFong YAMAHA(次):807台灣高雄市三民區義華路207號
🏟 NR Autoworks(次):5 Soon Lee Street, Pioneer Point #01-38, 新加坡 627607