Boon Seng Motor Wor

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2068
#01-41, 1001 Bukit Merah Lane 3 (S)159718, 新加坡 159718
6278 2104
Boon Seng Motor Works是新加坡的一家正價汽車修理館。它專門提供豐富的汽車維修服務,包括發動機檢查、燃油系統服務、排氣系統服務、空調系統服務、擋風玻璃服務、馬達系統服務、車身服務等等。在汽車的修理︰方面,它包括引擎維修,刹車系統修理,懸掛系統修理,變速箱修理,電路修理,消声器修理等。此外,它也提供外地汽車改裝和美容配件,涵蓋LED燈、音響系統、煞車系統、懸掛系統等方面。


此外,他們對使用者的保護也特別重視,並配備了多種優質的仿真模型,可以提供使用者安全可靠的服務,而不會犧牲任何完整的技術。對於價格,Boon Seng Motor Works採取公平的價格政策,可以在合理的價格水平為客戶提供最具競爭力的服務和最優質的產品。

总而言之,Boon Seng Motor Works是一家集專業技能、先進技術和合理價格于一身的汽車修理商家,它提供的服務质量独特,具有良好的價值和售後服務,值得支持和信任。

Boon Seng Motor Works is a motor vehicle servicing and repair company located in Singapore. The company stands out from its competitors in the market by offering a wide range of services including:

1. Customised and comprehensive servicing solutions: Boon Seng Motor Works provides customer-oriented servicing solutions for a variety of models and makes of vehicles.

2. Free inspection of vehicle parts: All vehicle parts are inspected for quality durability and reliability free of charge.

3. Quality assurance: All parts and materials used by the company are of first-class quality and are certified or approved by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).

4. Expertise and experience: The company employs experienced and knowledgeable technicians who are qualified to provide professional servicing and maintenance services.

5. Competitive pricing: Boon Seng Motor Works provides competitive pricing for its services and parts.

6. Warranty: All services and parts are covered by a warranty period of up to 12 months.

7. Customer satisfaction: The company enjoys a high customer satisfaction rate due to its quality services and competitive prices.

1. 「我經常坐巴士經Boon Seng Motor Works,發現他們的服務十分卓越。每次來修車,他們的工作人員都樂於助人,對我有很好的關心,總能給予最有價值的建議。」

2. 「我剛剛去了Boon Seng Motor Works修車,他們的服務非常好!工作人員非常有耐心,而且工作乾淨整齊。非常值得推薦。」

3. 「我上週到Boon Seng Motor Works修車,真是太棒了!我覺得他們的技術專業,並且很有熱情。他們總是想盡一切辦法去幫助我。」

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