
💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2431
Hong Kong Yicheng Polywheel Electric Co. Ltd is a leading battery company in Hong Kong. Founded in 2015, they specialize in developing and providing top-quality and secure, precise and reliable mobile power solutions, sealed lead acid and lithium ion batteries, battery modules and packs, and battery chargers, to customers all over the world.

Yicheng Polywheel has focused on being part of the global energy revolution. Since their founding, they have worked with many partners and customers, and have developed lots of unique battery designs for different applications, such as energy storage, e-bike, e-scooter, electric vehicles and more.

Yicheng Polywheel’s batteries feature high-quality lithium ion cells, with a variety of customised options available. Their batteries provide reliable, secure and precise power solutions, and are designed to be lightweight, durable and long-lasting.

Yicheng Polywheel’s batteries and chargers are designed with safety and reliability in mind. They are tested and certified to be compliant with international standards, making them safe to use.

Yicheng Polywheel’s values are to produce high quality and reliable battery products, and provide customers with excellent services. They also strive to be innovative and efficient in responding to changing markets and customer needs.

Yicheng Polywheel strives to provide the best battery solutions and technologies that are reliable, secure and cost-effective. Their commitment to providing superior customer service and technical support is highly praised by customers.

Yicheng Polywheel is a highly trusted and respected battery manufacturer, with a commitment to providing reliable and secure mobile power solutions and products that exceed customer expectations. Offering a wide range of products and services, Yicheng Polywheel has become a trusted and reliable partner for customers worldwide.







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4. 相關網誌/討論區: 也可以在香港的一些網誌或是討論區查看有關香港成膠輪電池公司的評論。

🏟 達億輪胎行(次):710台灣台南市永康區中正南路480號
🏟 榮穩輪胎有限公司(次):812台灣高雄市小港區沿海一路365號號
🏟 信興汽車電腦前輪定位修配廠(次):651台灣雲林縣北港鎮文明路109之1號
🏟 MICHELIN米其林輪胎-禎薪店(次):811台灣高雄市楠梓區常德路30號
🏟 台灣4X4輪胎精品店(次):950台灣台東縣台東市中華路二段98號
🏟 煜蓥輪胎行(次):401台灣台中市東區東英路578號台灣
🏟 華輪汽車冷氣壓縮機(次):807台灣高雄市三民區民族一路8-16號
🏟 大芳輪胎定位修配廠(次):404台灣台中市北區大雅路194號
🏟 泰鑫輪胎有限公司龍鳳分營業所(次):350台灣苗栗縣竹南鎮龍鳳里14鄰龍江街127巷16號
🏟 健來輪胎行(次):927 號 屏 東 縣 鄉 中山 路 585 號, No. 585中山路林邊鄉屏東縣台灣 927
🏟 台鈴機車隆翔輪業有限公司(次):360台灣苗栗縣苗栗市苗栗縣苗栗市中正路60號
🏟 橫濱輪胎YCN全球服務網─禾笙輪胎行(次):427台灣臺中市台中市台中市潭子區中山路一段50號
🏟 民記膠輪電池(次):13 Tung Mau Square, Hong Kong, Tai Po, 香港
🏟 阿毅輪胎(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區建國一路124號
🏟 過圳輪胎行(次):241台灣三重區過圳街42號
🏟 first 優鲜車輪餅(次):242台灣新北市新莊區新莊路445號
🏟 東弘輪胎行(次):205台灣基隆市暖暖區源遠路165號
🏟 上弘輪胎有限公司(次):247台灣新北市蘆洲區中山一路278號
🏟 方源輪胎(次):號 238 新 北市 區 大安 路 540 號, No. 540大安路樹林區新北市台灣 238
🏟 金輪行(次):香港雲漢街111號
🏟 大億輪胎行(次):號, No. 292-21中興路一段大里區台中市台灣 412
🏟 橫濱輪胎YCN全球服務網─松榮輪胎行(次):221台灣新北市新北市汐止區大同路二段701號
🏟 車之輪汽車百貨-高鳳門市(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區建國一路3-1號
🏟 MICHELIN米其林輪胎-源豐店(次):622台灣嘉義縣大林鎮平林里中正路10號
🏟 旭勝汽車輪胎(次):420台灣台中市豐原區圓環東路788號