Hong Huat Aircon Re

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 3166
2033 Bukit Batok Street 23, 新加坡 659538
6565 9360

1。Hong Huat Aircon Re提供多款大型和小型冷氣機,為消費者提供相應的解決方案,以滿足多種不同需求。

2。Hong Huat Aircon Re的產品均經過嚴格的品質測試,並提供長期保修,以確保產品質量。

3。Hong Huat Aircon Re專業的安裝人員可接受客戶的在線咨詢,並可提供專業的安裝服務,以確保順利完成工作任務。

4。Hong Huat Aircon Re提供售後保修服務,可以根據客戶的不同需求提供不同的服務方案,以滿足客戶的服務需求。

1. “I recently engaged Hong Huat Aircon  Re to service my aircon system and I found their service to be excellent. They were very thorough and professional in their work and did a great job. After the servicing was complete, all the components were running smoothly and the air was much fresher. Highly recommended!” - Ang Choon Beng, Singapore

2. “I had an issue with my air-conditioning system and contacted Hong Huat Aircon  Re for a quote. Their response was quick and the team was extremely helpful and professional in answering my questions. They came over to my house to assess the problem, and after performing the necessary servicing, the issue was resolved. I’d definitely recommend Hong Huat Aircon Re to anyone with air-conditioning issues.” - June Chua, Singapore

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🏟 Eddies Garage(次):香港元朗安康路19號
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🏟 Honda Cars Taichung(次):41472台灣臺中市烏日區中山路一段 159 號
🏟 福楨企業有限公司(次):111台灣士林區士林區劍潭路55巷11弄8號B1樓
🏟 征峰車業(次):號, No. 493龍安路新莊區新北市台灣 242
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🏟 Evergreen Auto Pte L(次):51 Bukit Batok Cres, 新加坡 658077
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🏟 Pacific Place Car Pa(次):香港金鐘
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