
💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2464
1 號, No. 529爽文路大里區台中市台灣 412
04 2407 5595
Taiwan’s leading car rental firm, Yongfeng Yuezi Automotive Merchant, is located in Taichung and has been providing car rental services for more than a decade. Focusing on customer needs, this car rental company has built up a solid reputation as an excellent car rental firm.

Yongfeng Yuezi Automotive Merchant provides a wide range of vehicles for hire, and at a very competitive price. Members of the public can rent cars for both personal and business use for any period of time. The company provides a very flexible system which allows customers to rent cars for a single day, a few days, or even a few weeks.

Yongfeng Yuezi Automotive Merchant prides itself in its excellent customer service and its commitment to providing service to all its customers. Staff are friendly and knowledgeable, and are always willing to advise customers on the best vehicle for their needs. Additionally, Yongfeng Yuezi Automotive Merchant offers a 7-day free maintenance service, so customers can be sure that the vehicles they hire are well maintained and running optimally.

On top of all of this, the company is committed to providing a safe driving environment and making sure their customers are insured. All vehicles are regularly checked to ensure they meet all required safety standards, and every customer is covered by comprehensive insurance.

In conclusion, Yongfeng Yuezi Automotive Merchant offers a great car rental service that has plenty to offer its customers. From excellent customer service to comprehensive insurance, this car rental firm offers value for money and a reliable service that customers can trust.







1.  就在這家台中永豐越汽車商行,詢問到價格時都會給個不錯的價格,詢問服務也很好,很專業的態度。

2. 做事態度熱忱,維修品質優良,更重要的是價格很平實。

3. 工作態度很好,非常熱心的幫客戶解決問題,拖車服務也很快,價格也合理。

4. 汽車維修質量好,效率高,價格合理,服務很好,工作人員也很熱心幫助客戶解決問題。

5. 替客戶解決問題的態度非常耐心,售後服務也很到位,外加拖車服務又快又優,價格也很合理。

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