American Hoist Pte L

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2028
2A Pioneer Sector 1, Singapore 628415
6862 2411
American Hoist Pte Ltd is a Singapore based company which provides high quality industrial hoists and related services to its customers. Established in 1969, the company specializes in the manufacture, installation and maintenance of heavy lifting equipment for a variety of industries.

American Hoist Pte Ltd's mission statement is to provide reliable, safe and cost-effective hoists and services to their customers. The company strives to offer quality products and services to meet and exceed customer's expectations with the help of their dedicated team. American Hoist Pte Ltd ensures to meet the applicable safety regulations and standards in order to provide quality products and services. The company is committed to provide competitive pricing and timely delivery to its customers.

American Hoist Pte Ltd's products are used in a variety of industries such as shipping, construction, mining, manufacturing, oil and gas and more. The company's wide range of hoists include manual and electric chain hoists, air hoists, mini hoists, gantry hoists, magnetic hoists, platform hoists and more. The company also offers related services like installation, maintenance, testing and other related services.

American Hoist Pte Ltd values customer satisfaction and provides quality service to its customers. The company offers a wide range of hoists for different applications and stands by its products with warranties. The company also ensures to keep prices competitive while still offering superior products and services.

American Hoist Pte Ltd is a trusted and reliable resource for a range of industrial hoists and related services. The company puts safety first and provides quality products and services to its customers. American Hoist Pte Ltd is committed to customer satisfaction and continues to develop innovative solutions to meet customer’s needs.

American Hoist Pte Ltd.提供一流的起重和物流服務,其特色如下:

1. 一流的吊車服務─American Hoist Pte Ltd. 提供高效且穩定的吊車服務,以確保貨物按時抵達並符合客戶要求。

2. 安全服務─American Hoist Pte Ltd. 具有全方位的建議和支持,確保一切業務在符合安全要求的狀態下完成。

3. 全面的物流解決方案─American Hoist Pte Ltd. 從制定有效的解決方案開始,提供有效的物流服務以滿足特定客戶的需求。

4. 專業的技術服務─American Hoist Pte Ltd. 為客戶提供專業的技術服務,確保所有設備正常運作,以滿足客戶的要求。

5. 工程管理服務─American Hoist Pte Ltd. 提供優質的工程管理服務,以確保客戶獲得高品質的起重及物流服務。



1. “American Hoist Pte L在新加坡提供了高品質的升降機服務,操作嚴謹細節,給我們更好的產品和服務。”

2. “American Hoist Pte L最近在新加坡為我們提供了很棒的服務,專業的維護人員和易用性。”

3. “American Hoist Pte L在新加坡的服務和設備真的很棒,價格合理,安全可靠,維護專業,收費合理。”


1. "American Hoist Pte L在新加坡提供的升降機服務非常棒,我們購買的升降機令我們感到放心,售後客服的回應也很及時。"

2. "American Hoist Pte L在新加坡的服務一直令我們滿意,拜訪他們的官網真的很讚,提供了很多模型和技術支持,一直受到顧客的滿意。"

3. "American Hoist Pte L在新加坡提供了很棒的升降機服務,技術專業有保證,價格合理,使用也比較方便,售後服務也很不錯。"

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