
💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2828
號, No. 25尚志路花蓮市花蓮縣台灣 970





Kun-Zhan Automotive from Hualien county is a leading auto repair shop in Yilan county, committed to providing high quality auto repair and maintenance services, and providing customers with reliable auto products and services. 

At Kun-Zhan Automotive, customers can find a comprehensive range of auto services, from auto parts to auto repair, all backed by the team’s professional technical expertise, all aimed at providing customers with the most satisfactory service quality. Kun-Zhan’s technical team has different skills, including hydraulic, precision machinery, electrical, thermal energy, grinding technology and more. 

In addition to providing the most professional auto services, Kun-Zhan Automotive also regularly organizes events such as speed training competition, auto maintenance seminar and so on. These activities are also Kun-Zhan Automotive’s aspiration to provide customers with more value-added services. 

Kun-Zhan Automotive also has its own insistence and standards on the quality of repair. Not only are strict quality controls adopted during repair, but safety is also emphasized to ensure the safety and reliability of the repair.

Kun-Zhan Automotive’s service is not only an outstanding service for customers in terms of quality, but we also provide customers with a more valuable service experience. Our pricing structure is more reasonable and cheaper, so more people have the opportunity to use our services.


1. 好搭配、路程安全:「我坤展汽車花蓮縣站的車輛,性能很好,安全性很高,搭配也很協調,走大環島全程都沒有出現問題。」


3. 好耐用、價錢合理:「採用高品質的零件,定期維修保養,價格合情合理,耐用久久享受回憶。」

🏟 台灣房屋 中城十四期特許加盟店(次):406台灣台中市北屯區崇德十路二段366號
🏟 SAVE保修聯盟名匠汽車服務廠(次):242台灣新北市新莊區化成路196號
🏟 振誼汽車有限公司(次):香港馬頭角木廠街3號
🏟 Mactaggart Motors(次):170 Upper Bukit Timah Rd, 新加坡 588179
🏟 力天汽車服務(次):香港新蒲崗五芳街21號
🏟 TOYOTA 土城服務廠(次):236台灣新北市土城區中央路三段4號
🏟 阿里巴巴台南公園店(次):704台灣台南市北區公園路277號
🏟 HOT大聯盟 嘉誠汽車(次):807台灣高雄市三民区大順二路850號
🏟 葳宏車業(次):231台灣新北市新店區安康路一段111-1號
🏟 King Ley Machinery P(次):38 Sungei Kadut Ave, 新加坡 729662
🏟 Mackins Hollywood Au(次):3737 NE Broadway St, Portland, OR 97232美國
🏟 TOYOTA 南投服務廠(次):540台灣南投縣南投市南崗三路270號
🏟 偉倫車業(次):號, No. 325中華路二段東區新竹市台灣 300
🏟 志豐汽車服務公司(次):香港銅鑼灣
🏟 南中天汽車材料行(次):仁武區中華路179號, 仁武區高雄市台灣 814
🏟 iRent桃園中埔六街站(次):330台灣桃园市桃園區中埔六街123號
🏟 麗車坊汽車百貨大園門市️(次):337台灣桃園市大園區175號 No. 181民生南路
🏟 益新汽車服務(次):408台灣台中市南屯區文昌街228巷22號
🏟 盛傑汽車(次):號, No. 125民生路一段板橋區新北市台灣 220
🏟 Auto Dynamics Ltd(次):香港鴨脷洲利樂街2號
🏟 乖乖童裝行(次):640台灣雲林縣斗六市愛國街19之3號
🏟 Honda Cars Tsaotun(次):54260台灣南投縣草屯鎮草溪路211-12號
🏟 I Auto Racing(次):7 wang mau Street, Kowloon Bay, 香港
🏟 Town Country Glass(次):美國奧勒岡州波特蘭邮政编码: 97213
🏟 展盛汽車修配有限公司(次):412台灣大里區仁化路671號