Sin Hup Lee Service

💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1740
1005 Bukit Merah Lane 2, Singapore 159761
6278 2482

Sin Hup Lee Service (SHLS) of Singapore is a one-stop shop for a host of services ranging from auto maintenance to general repair. By providing services like these, SHLS stands out from other service providers in Singapore. 

1. SHLS offers services for a wide range of vehicles, such as cars, van, lorries and motorcycles. 

2. SHLS provides car services including oil change, engine tune-up, brake system check, tire alignment, and engine diagnostics services. 

3. SHLS also provides general repairing services like air-conditioner service, electrical wiring, air-con gas refilling, and car battery replacement.

4. SHLS equips its own servicing centre with advanced tools and equipment that are utilized to repair, service and maintain vehicles. 

5. SHLS is a certified technician with more than 20 years of experience in the automotive industry. 

6. SHLS is dedicated to providing quality services and creating satisfied customers. The team is committed to giving its customers the best possible automotive services at competitive prices. 

7. SHLS has a customer service team that is always available to provide assistance. Customers can get in touch with the team via phone, email or social media. 

8. SHLS maintains a high level of safety standards when providing its services and uses only genuine parts for all repairs. 

9. SHLS is dedicated to ensuring the highest possible level of customer satisfaction with its services, and offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 

10. SHLS is regularly reviewed by its customers and holds a high reputation for its services.

經由Google搜尋「Sin Hup Lee Service」所得的評論如下:

"Sin Hup Lee Service是一個非常出色的維修和保養服務。我也很高興能為我的汽車提供一個正確和高規格的服務。他們的技術人員一直都很專業,服務也很快,讓我滿意。"

"我對Sin Hup Lee Service的服務非常滿意。他們的技術人員都非常專業,而且服務也很快,能很快幫我處理維修問題。價格也很公平,很滿意他們提供的服務!"

🏟 久立重機(次):號, No. 143成福路南港區台北市台灣 115
🏟 高賓汽車保時捷零件公司(次):82341台灣高雄市田寮區大新路41-17號
🏟 金源汽車電機冷氣行(次):100台灣中正區汀州路二段168號
🏟 達勝汽車(次):105台灣台北市松山區吉祥路25號
🏟 Aktis Capital Singap(次):491B River Valley Rd, 新加坡 248373
🏟 灃郁汽車電池(次):300台灣新竹市東區中華路二段181號
🏟 約升車業(次):811台灣高雄市楠梓區楠梓新路160號
🏟 Motorzone Mz Pte Ltd(次):317 Outram Rd, Singapore 169075
🏟 展興汽車服務公司(次):香港柴灣
🏟 LEXUS汽車_中壢營業所服務廠(次):320台灣桃園市中壢區中園路162號
🏟 台灣房屋雲林斗六特許加盟店(次):640台灣雲林縣斗六市中堅東路8號
🏟 耐途耐汽車事業有限公司(次):235台灣新北市中和区中正路1214號
🏟 煌達汽車(次):234台灣新北市永和區中山路一段56號
🏟 昱信貿易有限公司(次):403台灣台中市西區五權五街151號
🏟 東興汽車車身橡膠材料行(次):800台灣高雄市新興區八德一路297號
🏟 和泰汽車(次):242台灣新北市新莊區明中街10號
🏟 志成汽車百貨材料行(次):237台灣新北市三峽區介壽路一段167號
🏟 尚群汽車國際有限公司(次):221台灣新北市汐止區大同路三段248號
🏟 德興汽車電機行(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市和平路525號
🏟 邦仁汽車香港集團有限公司(次):香港屯門藍地青山公路
🏟 尚晏(次):806台灣高雄市前鎮區草衙中街79號
🏟 締宇企業社(次):408台灣台中市南屯區大墩二街78號
🏟 泰安搪缸(次):號, No. 31-1裕農路446巷70弄東區台南市台灣 701
🏟 TOYOTA 旗山服務廠(次):842台灣高雄市旗山區旗南二路88號
🏟 iRent聯通安康站(次):231台灣新北市新店區安民街10號