Ital Auto Pte Ltd

💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1856
30 Leng Kee Rd, 新加坡 159100
6475 1118

Ital Auto Pte Ltd is a well-established car rental company based in Singapore. It offers a great range of vehicles to its customers including luxury cars and vans. Additionally, its services are designed to meet the needs of both individuals and businesses. 

1. Ital Auto Pte Ltd allows customers to choose from a wide variety of vehicles, including luxury cars and vans. 

2. The company offers both short and long term rentals, for both individual and corporate customers. 

3. It is able to provide customers with the necessary documents, such as valid driving licenses, for their rental. 

4. The company has an experienced and knowledgeable staff that are able to provide important information about vehicles, rental terms, and insurance policies to its customers. 

5. Ital Auto Pte Ltd offers a range of services to its customers, including 24 hours roadside assistance, punctual pick-up and drop-off, and flexible payment methods. 

6. The company also offers competitive rates, discounts, and special packages with multiple benefits to its customers. 

7. Lastly, Ital Auto Pte Ltd ensures that all its vehicles are regularly maintained and serviced to ensure optimal performance.

新加坡Ital Auto Pte Ltd 有許多正面的評論。例如,客戶都對他們的服務滿意,他們的技術人員評價也很高,他們提供的價格也是相當優惠,而且這家公司的售後服務也很棒。此外,這家公司的售後服務也非常有意義,他們願意和客戶保持良好的溝通,為他們提供優惠的服務,客戶也對他們有信心。

🏟 良欣汽車商行(次):542台灣南投縣草屯鎮南投縣草屯鎮平等街192巷15弄1號
🏟 鋒升汽車(次):香港粉嶺粉嶺聯和墟和滿街9號地庫B1
🏟 德利汽車服務公司(次):香港北角錦屏街55D號
🏟 宏發汽車材料行(次):香港上水
🏟 旭豐汽車服務有限公司(次):114台灣台北市內湖區文湖街2-1號
🏟 泰瑞通運股份有限公司(次):429台灣神岡區社口街106巷
🏟 冠達汽車材料行(次):744台灣台南市新市區忠孝街179巷1弄2號
🏟 MBS Motors Company L(次):香港黃大仙翠鳳街25號
🏟 車管家汽車專業養護站(次):222台灣新北市深坑區北深路三段223號
🏟 CNG Singapore Pte Lt(次):15 Fan Yoong Rd, 新加坡 629792
🏟 Tan Seng Long Painti(次):新加坡武吉知馬路913号 邮政编码: 589623
🏟 明鴻汽車材料百貨行(次):357台灣苗栗縣通霄鎮中山路42號
🏟 Tokio Marine Insuran(次):80 Anson Rd, 新加坡 079907
🏟 Mc Kay Truck Trailer(次):9810 N Vancouver Way, Portland, OR 97217美國
🏟 荃宏汽車(次):110台灣台北市信義區松信路129號
🏟 詮泰汽車(次):710台灣台南市永康區中正南路567號
🏟 TOYOTA(次):302台灣新竹縣竹北市中華路520號
🏟 車勢網- 華升汽車(次):11287台灣台北市北投區文林北路170號
🏟 Jit Keong Trading Co(次):28 Benoi Pl, 新加坡 629945
🏟 環保車輛回收中心(次):香港石崗
🏟 蠟之舍(次):香港Fanling樂天街1號
🏟 Guaranteed Transmiss(次):2501 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97217美國
🏟 Peralatan Biosains S(次):1002 Jalan Bukit Merah, 新加坡 159456
🏟 STX SERVICE SINGAPOR(次):11 Kian Teck Cres, Singapore 628877
🏟 馬璽達金馬旗艦店億豐汽車(次):500台灣彰化縣彰化市金馬路一段352號