
💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1968
2519 7810

The Hong Kong Toll Wheel Electric Company (HKTWEC) is a leading manufacturer of electric vehicles. Established in 2007, HKTWEC has a number of unique features which distinguish it from other electric vehicle manufacturers. 

Firstly, HKTWEC utilizes a range of cutting-edge technologies to create high-performance electric vehicles. This includes the use of advanced battery management systems, providing reliable and efficient performance, and enhanced safety features, which increases the safety and convenience of the user. 

Secondly, HKTWEC is dedicated to ensuring that its vehicles are environmentally friendly. By using green technology and recyclable materials, the company is committed to reducing its ecological footprint. 

Thirdly, HKTWEC offers a comprehensive after-sales service. This includes assistance with any technical issues and handling of warranty claims. Further, for customers who have purchased vehicles through HKTWEC, a range of services are available to ensure their vehicles are kept in optimal condition. 

Finally, HKTWEC provides a wide range of electric vehicle models. From small family cars to larger vans, HKTWEC offers a wide selection of vehicles to suit different needs and budgets. 

Overall, HKTWEC stands out from other electric vehicle manufacturers due to its commitment to high-performance, green technology, after-sales services and range of models.

1. 香港通行膠輪電池公司:


🏟 鴻興汽車輪胎店(次):號, No. 83新北街新營區台南市台灣 730
🏟 金城輪胎(次):111台灣台北市士林區重慶北路四段145號號
🏟 中油輪胎服務中心大同路店(次):702台灣台南市南區大同路二段380號
🏟 弘冠輪胎行(次):925台灣屏東縣新埤鄉南興路46號台灣
🏟 哈利輪胎(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區憲政路272號
🏟 大眾膠輪電池(次):香港長沙灣
🏟 五洲輪胎有限公司(次):112台灣北投區育仁路151號
🏟 花蓮大輪車行(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市國民8街78號
🏟 郡瑪輪胎行(次):205台灣基隆市暖暖區八堵路25號
🏟 高輪汽車修護廠(次):704台灣台南市北區民德路97號
🏟 大通膠輪電池(次):香港牛頭角
🏟 豪記優質中古輪胎高雄服務處(次):81356台灣高雄市左營區華夏路557號
🏟 華新汽機車美容 華新輪胎行(次):10491台灣台北市中山區濱江街163號
🏟 協慶汽車零件輪胎(次):100台灣中正區牯嶺街87號
🏟 人人輪胎鋁圈汽車保修中心(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區四維二路189號
🏟 龍威輪胎(次):號, No. 601中清路二段北屯區台中市台灣 406
🏟 車之輪汽車百貨-民權門市(次):806台灣高雄市前鎮區一心一路291號
🏟 MICHELIN米其林輪胎-上翔店(次):408台灣台中市南屯區大墩路717之5號
🏟 德國馬牌輪胎BestDrive旗艦店-昌(次):70451台灣台南市北區文元里文賢路760號1樓
🏟 上全輪胎行(次):404台灣北區進化北路146號
🏟 栢朗膠輪有限公司 Partner Tyr(次):達洋路港高車場stt/3672kt, Kwai Chung, 香港
🏟 義宗輪胎米其林(次):號, No. 129明志路二段泰山區新北市台灣 243
🏟 MICHELIN米其林輪胎-勝弘店(次):710台灣台南市麻豆區磚井里141之21號
🏟 柏昌輪胎行(次):337台灣桃園市大園區中華路91巷10弄8號號
🏟 橫濱輪胎YCN全球服務網─泰成輪胎行(次):328台灣桃園市328桃園市觀音區中山路二段995號