**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考
1. "The Wusheng Temple in Yunlin is an amazing place. I've been twice so far and it is nothing short of impressive. Not only is it filled with ancient artifacts, but the atmosphere in the temple is so calming and peaceful. I recommend anyone who visits Yunlin to check it out."
2. "The Wusheng Temple in Yunlin is a great place to visit. The architecture and decorations are beautiful and the atmosphere is very calming. There are also plenty of things to explore, such as ancient artifacts and sculptures. I definitely recommend it to everyone who is visiting the area."
3. "The Wusheng Temple in Yunlin is definitely worth a visit. Not only is it very beautiful, but the history behind it is really interesting. The sculptures and artifacts that are on display are magnificent. You will definitely leave the temple with much admiration for its beauty and history."
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武聖宮 - 文化資源地理資訊系統:武聖宮,座落林內外環道及通往西螺縣道十字路口旁,交通四通八達,為兩層樓的建築,供奉主神「彌勒祖師」,陪祀神明「關聖帝君、孚佑帝君、司命真君、濟公活佛、月慧菩薩等 ...
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林內鄉武聖宮重建新廟上樑大典祈求護佑眾生 - 蕃新聞:2020年8月13日 — 大成報記者張立明/雲林縣報導】今天(13日)適逢關聖帝君聖誕,主祠關聖帝君的林內鄉林中村武聖宮舉行重建新廟上樑大典,副縣長謝淑亞、立委劉建國、 ...
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林內武聖宮:林內武聖宮has 222 members.
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廟宇文化脈絡 - 林內鄉公所:林內鄉烏塗村烏塗48之6號. 玄天上帝. 03/03 玄天上帝聖誕. 10/15 下聖誕. 電話:05-5896627. 負責人:林金雄. 武聖宮(1971). 林內鄉林中村瑞農27之1號. 關聖帝君.
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雲林縣林內鄉武聖宮:Super hiPage 中華黃頁網路電話簿. 雲林縣林內鄉武聖宮. 電話. 代表號. 地址. 網址. BESbswy. BESbswy. 相關店家. 仲銓科技有限公司. 055518851. 雲林縣斗六市虎溪路23 ...
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武聖宮 - 廟宇通:武聖宮. 雲林縣林內鄉林內鄉林中村瑞農二七之一號 ... 廟宇名稱: 武聖宮. 主祀神祇: 關聖帝君. 宗教類型: 一貫道. 組織方式: 管理委員會制.