**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考
Google 地圖上的評論:
1. "Beautiful temple, and very traditional. Highly recommend to anyone who is interested in learning more about Taiwanese culture and history."
2. "This temple is really big and grand. It is the spiritual center of Kaohsiung. Every time I go there, I feel really peaceful and happy."
3. "This temple is incredibly stunning, it has a lot of details and traditional design. The staff are also friendly and welcoming."
4. "The temple is located in an area with lots of shops and restaurants, which makes it a great place to explore while visiting Kaohsiung."
5. "I like the atmosphere of this temple, it is very peaceful and allows me to connect with the spiritual world."
1 )
中和天義宮_關聖帝君- 首頁 - Facebook:中和天義宮_關聖帝君, 台北市。 569 個讚· 126 個打卡次。宗教組織.
2 )
嘉義天義宮:Log In. or.
3 )
崙尾天義宮- 嘉義縣溪口鄉美南村崙尾143號:玄天上帝. 第十七任玉皇上帝(玄穹高上帝),鎮邦護國,降妖伏魔,是妙見菩薩也。 關聖帝君. 第十八任玉皇上帝(玄靈高上帝),慈光慧佛,悲憫加持聖帝,解清夙世冤。
4 )
嘉義天義宮, Other (052321848):地点类型, : 宫. 地址, : 遼寧一街27號, Chiayi, Taiwan 600. 协调, : 23.494072, 120.4413329. 电话, : 052321848. 电子邮件, : 评分, : 5.00.
5 )
中和分局執行108年12月15日「天義宮遶境活動」交通疏導:本網頁內容不存在。 ... 對不起,本網頁內容不存在,無法顯示網頁。 ... 新北市政府警察局 交通警察大隊版權所有. 通過A等級無障礙網頁檢測.
6 )
新北市中和天義宮 - 鹿港天后宮:新北市中和天義宮. 1/20. Loading. [2021-02-04 12:00] 歡喜心是良藥不生氣是消業障 歡迎~~新北市中和天義宮蒞臨進香.