熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Equinox Restaurant
1.條例(1) - Equinox Restaurant於新加坡提供獨特的空中米其林餐廳體驗,位於70層高的新加坡聯合國大樓。 2.條例(2) - Equinox Restaurant以傳統的米其林主廚精心挑選的食材,為客人提供精緻細膩的美食。 3.條例(3) - Equinox Restaurant擁有一個極大的360度旋轉景觀,可以欣賞新加坡夜景。 4.條例(4) - Equinox Restaurant提供不同的大廚和酒窩,其中包括一系列的頂級酒款,供客人享用。
1. "The Equinox Restaurant in Singapore is a must-visit if you're ever in the area. The food is incredible, and the service is excellent. I would highly recommend it. The view of the city skyline from the terrace is breathtaking. Highly recommend!" —Bella 2. "Eatin at Equinox is like a mini vacation. The atmosphere is beautiful and the food is excellent. The service is always friendly and helpful. I've gone there several times and haven't been disappointed yet." —John 3. "Equinox Restaurant in Singapore is one of the best places to eat. The food was really delicious and the staff were friendly and professional. Highly recommend this place!" —Steve
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