熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Honeymoon Dessert
1. "Honeymoon Dessert was a real treat. The ice cream was smooth and creamy and the toppings were amazing. I had the Green Tea and it was incredible. I was so happy with how good it tasted. Highly recommend.” 2. “Honeymoon Dessert is the perfect place for a romantic date. The presentation of the food was so beautiful and all the desserts were so tasty. Their signature honey toast was especially delicious and they had some interesting flavors like dragonfruit to try. Couldn't recommend them enough.” 3. “My family and I visited Honeymoon Dessert in Singapore and we were beyond satisfied. The Honeymoon Toast we had was so light and fluffy, and the crepes were divine. We also got a cute tasting set with various flavors of ice cream, which was really nice. Definitely recommend.”
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