香港永興燒臘粉麵茶餐廳(下稱「本餐廳」)乃經營自主控股餐飲服務,其特色如下: 一、本餐廳提供多樣化餐飲服務,其餐點包括燒臘粉麵、牛肉碗粉、鴨腿炒飯等多種傳統香港美食。 二、本餐廳亦提供茶餐廳服務,包括滷味、粥、蛋撻等多樣化食品。 三、本餐廳的食物保持原汁原味,追求加工簡單安全,並按採用新鮮食材新鮮調味,以確保食物味道深受客人喜愛。 四、本餐廳亦致力提供優質的客戶服務,讓客人在此可以享受舒適的用餐環境及食物口感。 五、本餐廳憑藉其精湛的服務質素,在當地市場上享負盛名,並受到客人的熱烈歡迎。
Google Reviews: 1. “Haven't had HK's famous wonton noodle soup in a long time, and this place certainly did not disappoint. Good amount of char siu and wonton, with a great broth that was full of flavour. Highly recommended.” 2. “Great food with generous portion sizes. Had the wonton noodles with soup and it was delicious. Service was quick and friendly. Highly recommend this place!” 3. “The wonton noodles here are one of the best I have had in Hong Kong. The noodles are cooked al dente, the wontons are full of flavour and the soup is very tasty. Highly recommend.” 4. “I've been coming to this eatery for many years now, and I always come back! The wonton noodles are top notch, with the perfect ratio of noodle to soup. Highly recommended.” 5. “One of the best wonton noodle restaurants in Hong Kong. The soup is flavourful and the noodles are cooked perfectly. Highly recommend!”
永晉藥膳坊 阿嬤鹹粥: 澎湖縣阿嬤鹹粥(Ah Ma Salted Porrid
부부한식 品豆花 龍禾炒飯專賣店屏東縣龍禾炒飯專賣店在靠近購物中心的附近,旨在提供道地的
函館壽司 正古早味福隆便當店長安店新北市正古早味福隆便當店長安店位於長安街50號,是新北市熱門
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旗津30年老店香之味 烤魷魚香之味烤魷魚,位於台灣高雄市旗津區的老字號,是旗津區最著名的
妺記大排檔 福大漢堡高雄福大漢堡是2014年在高雄成立的一間餐廳,位於高雄市
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