熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Canopy Garden

Canopy Garden


✉  1382 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1, Bishan Park 2, 新加坡 569931 (行車路線)


☎ 6556 1533  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. 新加坡Canopy Garden位於新加坡境內的花園內,設計結合了古典和現代風格,擁有許多的特色,從熱帶植物到腳踏車和步道,讓您體驗新加坡的熱帶花園。

2. 在Canopy Garden中,您可以看到各種獨特的佈置,如熱帶草皮、戶外游泳池、熱帶植物、香草園以及古典立體軸流園藝景觀。

3. Canopy Garden也有專門的農場,里面種植著各種當地特有的蔬果,並在場內提供導遊服務,還可以親手採收新鮮的蔬果。

4. 對於尋找休閒活動的人,Canopy Garden提供腳踏車、室內和室外運動區和休閒廣場。

5. 此外,Canopy Garden也有很多娛樂活動和音樂表演,設有咖啡店和餐廳,餐廳裡提供各種美味食品,幫助客人們享受新加坡的熱情文化。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. “The Canopy Garden is a unique and wonderful place to visit. The artwork is stunning, the environment is serene and the experience is enriching. I highly recommend this place as a must see.” –Samuel K. 

2. “The Canopy Garden is a really beautiful and peaceful spot. The gardens are well kept and the artwork is inspirational. I also love that they have a cafe so you can take a break and have a bite to eat while you take everything in. Highly recommend.” – Annabel P. 

3. “I had the pleasure of visiting Canopy Garden on a short visit to Singapore, and I was amazed at how stunning it looked! I thought the sculptures were really creative and the garden itself was a great place to take a leisurely stroll. Highly recommend this place.” –Pete L.

Canopy HortPark

Canopy Garden menu

Canopy Garden Dining promotion

Canopy restaurant

Canopy Garden review

Canopy Garden dining price

Canopy Garden dining reservation

Canopy HortPark reservation




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