熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Hock Lam Beef

Hock Lam Beef


✉  460 Alexandra Rd, #02-24,Alexandra Retail Centre, 新加坡 119963 (行車路線)


☎ 6272 9945  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. Hock Lam Beef是位於新加坡的一家特色餐廳,其膳食特色於保留傳統口味。

2. 對於Hock Lam Beef來說,傳統的食材熬煮出來,會搭配完美的口味,讓顧客享有最真正新加坡口味。

3. 同時,Hock Lam Beef提供多種特有料理,比如辣椒牛肉、紅絲絨鱔魚、古早泰式炒 冬菇、紅燒牛腩與豉油醬拌機等。

4. Hock Lam Beef的料理都以最新鮮的材料製作,熱量亦可以滿足客人的口味偏好。

5. 總而言之,Hock Lam Beef的特色就在於保留傳統口味,提供新鮮與美味的料理,以及可以滿足顧客口味的餐點,為新加坡飲食文化增添新鮮風味。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. “I have been to different Hock Lam Beef outlets and the experience has been consistent. The beef noodles are delicious and the beef is always cooked to perfection. The soup is really flavourful and the aroma is amazing. Highly recommend.”

2. “Hock Lam Beef is one of the best beef noodles that I have ever tried. The beef is really tender and flavourful. The soup is also delicious and the addition of hokkien noodles to the soup gives it a great texture. Highly recommend.”

3. “Hock Lam Beef is a great place to get a bowl of beef noodles. The beef is always cooked to perfection and the soup is full of flavor. The noodles are springy and the portion size is generous. Highly recommend.”

Hock Lam beef noodles recipe

Hock Lam beef noodle menu

Hock lam beef noodles delivery

hock lam (1998) pte ltd

Hock Lam Beef noodles closing

Hock Lam beef noodles Old Airport

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