熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Char-Grill Bar Canb
之一 新加坡Char-Grill Bar Canb提供客人許多特色的體驗,其中一項特色為:提供業界專業的烤肉餐點。烤肉是在一個特製的鐵板上於極高溫度下烤出來,以保存食材的完整和美味,還可以保持其天然的營養成分。擁有多項鮮烤肉面食,包括紅燒西冷牛排、腰子牛排、黑椒鴨胸、烤蔥鮭魚等。每一道菜都更可配以精選的蔬菜、漢堡、薯條和意大利麵等多樣的搭配,讓食客能感受到一種特別的烤肉料理體驗!
▪️TripAdvisor "Char-Grill Bar Canb is a great place to enjoy dinner with friends or family with good food, drinks and value for money. Food is cooked just right and the presentation is outstanding. Service is also excellent and the staff is friendly and accommodating. Highly recommend this place!" ▪️Yelp "I had the pleasure of dining at Char-Grill Bar Canb and it was an incredible experience! The food was absolutely delicious and the service was top notch. The staff were friendly and accommodating, and the ambiance was pleasant and relaxed. Highly recommend this place for a great dining experience."
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