Google、Yelp等評論: Google: "I recently visited the Huanxi Tower in Taichung. The place was wonderful. It was a great experience to enjoy the night views on the rooftop bar, the outdoor terrace, and the sound system. I had an amazing time with friends while enjoying the food and drinks. Highly recommend it!" Yelp: "I had the pleasure to visit Huanxi Tower and to say I had an amazing experience would be an understatement. The bar area is filled with great vibes and the views are beautiful. The wait staff was great and the drinks were awesome. Definitely a great place to spend an evening with friends."
台北荷蘭小鬆餅Poffertjes Cafe位於台北市的
綠原品健康蔬食全自助餐-松山台安店 裴家村台南裴家村位於台南市永康區,是台南地區一家非常受歡迎的休
好吃下營麵線 台南下營麵線是台灣南部的一道經典麵食,它可以源遠流長地
牛肉麵水餃的歷史 雲林牛肉麵水餃有着悠久的歷史,可追溯至清朝末期,即
橘葉 壽司、丼飯專門店 好口味食坊新北市擁有許多極具口碑的美食坊,聞名遐邇!從經典滷肉飯、珍珠
永興美食 金和粥麵館 江鼎 川湘館 筐 碳烤吐司新北市筐碳烤吐司是一種傳統的台灣點心,由新北市居民大量消費而
曾師傅小館 阿地牛排館 Strictly Pancakes觀 Strictly Pancakes是一間I典型的新加坡
五行館 蔬食 明發茶餐廳(永星裡) 惠成藥師藥局南投縣惠成藥師藥局是一間歷史悠久的經營藥局,在南投縣的發
古月香 熬粹牛肉麵 基隆美食 基隆牛 竹村居酒屋台北竹村居酒屋是一家位於台北市內的餐廳,提供類和精緻的傳統日
鹽之華法式料理廚房 蒸籠門客棧 小玉餐館