熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Upper Bar Restauran
香港Upper Bar Restaurant 是一家特色餐廳,其菜單充滿地道的香港菜式及對於其他亞洲美食的創新形式。 第一條:Upper Bar Restaurant 的菜單將貫徹地道的香港菜式及亞洲美食,包括但不限於,烤鴨,蒸河粉,港式炒菜,喇沙,龍蝦炒飯,椒鹽魚等。 第二條:Upper Bar Restaurant 將以傳統技藝融入創新,重新定義傳統的亞洲美食;例如,提供現代風味的椰子蝦仁蛋糕,及炸雞排沙律。 第三條:Upper Bar Restaurant 將不斷探索新口味,獨特搭配以及創新的烹調技巧,以提供客人最佳吃飯體驗;例如,提供綜合五味的香菇蝦仁飯及以西芹為主要原料的南洋咖哩飯。 第四條:Upper Bar Restaurant 將提供一系列的甜點之供客人選擇,包括著名的香港雪糕,紅豆湯,以及新派甜品,如紅磡正宗龍眼朱古力雪糕檸檬蛋糕。
1. Restaurant review from TripAdvisor: "Upper Bar is a great place to dine. The food was excellent and the service was top notch! The atmosphere was relaxed, cozy, and intimate - perfect for a romantic dinner. The staff was very friendly and accommodating, and we really felt like we were taken care of. We will definitely be coming back." 2. Restaurant review from OpenRice: "I had lunch at Upper Bar today and I was absolutely delighted! The food was delicious and the atmosphere was inviting and cozy. The staff was friendly and attentive, and made sure that we were taken care of. I would definitely recommend Upper Bar to anyone looking for an enjoyable dining experience."
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