熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Cafe 25 Pte Ltd
1.Cafe 25 Pte Ltd為新加坡咖啡店之一,為客人提供有品質的咖啡和茶飲等多樣性的飲料。 2. Cafe 25 Pte Ltd擁有一個具豐富多元的菜單,為客人提供新加坡獨特的食物及茶飲,其中包括新加坡原生系列咖啡、泰國茶飲、烘焙商品、餅乾和小食等。 3.Cafe 25 Pte Ltd的店內環境舒適自在,給客人提供放鬆身心的空間,充分享受與親朋好友的時光,及與早餐、午餐和下午茶等美食時光。 4.Cafe 25 Pte Ltd更提供客製化的服務,為客人製作派對食物和茶飲供慶祝活動,為客人們提供個性化的派對慶祝體驗。 5.Cafe 25 Pte Ltd還提供導師活動,讓客人學習把手烘焙,運用當地獨特口味的食材,製作出美味及獨特的甜品。
1. “Cafe 25 Pte Ltd in Singapore is a great place to get fantastic coffee and freshly-baked goodies. The baristas are friendly and accommodating, and the prices are quite reasonable. The cafe itself is nicely decorated and very cozy. I highly recommend this cafe to anyone looking for a great cup of coffee and some tasty pastries.” 2. “Cafe 25 Pte Ltd in Singapore is a great spot for an afternoon break. The atmosphere is lovely and the staff is very friendly and attentive. The coffee is smooth and delicious, and the pastries and cakes are great too. Highly recommended!” 3. “Cafe 25 Pte Ltd in Singapore is a great little cafe. The coffee is top notch and the menu is quite varied. I especially recommend the pastries, they are truly delicious! The atmosphere is relaxing and pleasant. A great place to stop for a cup of coffee and a snack!”
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