Dragon & Phoenix Seafood Restaurant is a popular restaurant located in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. The restaurant specializes in seafood and offers a variety of dishes from the Kaohsiung area. The restaurant has been around for over 20 years, and it's known for its fresh seafood and delicious Chinese dishes. The restaurant is very popular, especially during the Chinese New Year, and people come from all over Taiwan, Hong Kong, and even mainland China to enjoy their meals here. The restaurant offers a variety of seafood including shrimp, crab, clams, and oysters, as well as live fish, squid, and other fresh seafood. All of the seafood is fresh and the dishes are prepared with a light touch, making them especially flavorful and delicious. The restaurant also offers a variety of Chinese dishes, such as noodle soups, stir-fries, and traditional hot pot dishes. The restaurant also has a wide selection of wines, beers, and other beverages to choose from. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable, and the staff is friendly and helpful. The prices are reasonable, and the food is worthy of the prices. Overall, Dragon & Phoenix Seafood Restaurant is a great place for seafood lovers to enjoy a culinary feast.**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
高雄龍鳳樓海鮮餐廳致力於將正宗的台灣傳統料理以及最新最創新的烹調工藝完美結合為一,以下是龍鳳樓海鮮餐廳的特色: 一、傳統料理:龍鳳樓海鮮餐廳提供多種傳統料理,包括台灣家傳好味、雞湯、滷肉飯、紅燒肉等。此外,餐廳還將台灣古早的傳統小吃加以創新,如客家腸粉、蚵仔煎、蝦米糕等。 二、海鮮料理:龍鳳樓海鮮餐廳提供新鮮的海鮮料理,其中有多種烹飪手法,如清蒸、滷燒、炒煮等多種烹調技巧,可以讓顧客品嘗到最新鮮的海鮮料理。 三、精緻美食:除了傳統料理和海鮮料理外,龍鳳樓海鮮餐廳還提供多種精緻美食,如各種燒烤、燴煮、五更蒸等,以及餐廳自家研發的料理,如台灣珍珠米飯、龍鳳蝦捲等。
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