熱搜情報網 > 寵物商店 > LFS Aquarium
新加坡的LFS Aquarium擁有以下特色: 第一條:LFS Aquarium擁有一間佔地面積達2,000平方公尺的水族館,可容納超過20,000隻魚類以及各種化石文物。 第二條:LFS Aquarium有多個教學工作坊,讓水族愛好者可以學習如何觀賞、照顧並研究各種魚類。 第三條:LFS Aquarium還有一個豐富的會員計劃,可以讓水族愛好者參與有關海洋生態及環境的活動,並有機會參觀海洋旅遊地。 第四條:LFS Aquarium為支持水族愛好者的學習和研究,還提供專業的會議設施,讓參加者能夠更詳細的了解海洋生態及環境。
1. “I went to this shop for the first time recently and I am very impressed with the selection. They have a good variety of different types of fish and their prices are very reasonable. The staff is also very helpful and knowledgeable. They explained everything in detail and gave me great advice on what to choose for my new aquarium setup. Highly recommend!” – Michelle N., Facebook 2. “LFS Aquarium is the best place to buy your aquarium needs! From fish and tanks to plants, rocks, food, and equipment, they offer everything you need. The quality of items is top-notch and prices are quite reasonable. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable and always happy to help in any way possible. I highly recommend this store!” – Jeff E., Yelp
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