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All Breeds Pets


新加坡All Breeds Pets是一家專門為宠物服務的網站。從它的創立一開始,一直致力于為新加坡的宠物提供最有價值的產品和服務。All Breeds Pets心存對新加坡家庭客戶的誠意,歡迎他們到各大商店和網上發現一系列價格合理、品質優良的宠物用品。其最大的特色是為客戶提供一站式的宠物購物服務,包括宠物照顧、客製服務、宠物醫療和護理保健服務等;該網站亦提供獨特的宠物行業培訓,培養專業宠物照顧者,包括野生動物照顧術、犬隻行為訓練、宠物醫療技能等。
All Breeds Pets除了服務客戶外,他們也了解客戶所關心的動物福利,一直努力為客戶提供專業的宠物照顧和護理服務。他們在動物衛生和健康上給予客戶高品質的產品和服務,使動物能夠得到基本的照顧和保健。
All Breeds Pets的價值觀是致力于滿足客戶需求,為客戶提供創新的服務,維護動物的健康和安全。價格公平,提供高品質的產品和服務,改善動物的福祉,及發展新加坡獸醫衛生行業。 All Breeds Pets以客戶和動物福利為己任,持續為客戶和動物提供最佳質量的服務和保證。
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  44 Jln Merah Saga, Singapore 278116 (行車路線)


☎ 6474 3039  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. 新加坡All Breeds Pets為宠物愛好者提供一個有助於挑選和購買養寵物的平台。

2. All Breeds Pets 包括七大種類的宠物,如犬、貓、鼠、乌龟、兔子、鳥和鱼。

3. 所有的宠物都可以在網站上查看當前可用的宠物,並對牠們進行基本的檢查和診斷。

4. All Breeds Pets提供全面的宠物护理服務,讓您可以放心將寵物放到服務中心,以便對它進行檢查和治療。

5. All Breeds Pets擁有一群專業的宠物照顧者,可以幫助您瞭解關於您的寵物的健康狀況,並幫助您解決問題。

6. All Breeds Pets 提供各種宠物保健產品,可以幫助您照顧和照料自己的宠物。

7. All Breeds Pets網站上還提供各項宠物相關的文章和資訊,幫助新手照顧寵物。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. "I recently purchased a Yorkie from All Breeds Pets in Singapore. The experience I had buying from them was amazing. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable, and they had a wide range of breeds to choose from, all in great health. Highly recommend!" - Tina L.

2. "My family recently adopted a puppy, a Shih Tzu, from All Breeds Pets in Singapore. The staff were very friendly and accommodating, helping us find a puppy that suited our needs. They also took the extra effort to ensure that the pup was in the best possible health. Highly recommend!" - Mark T. 

3. " All Breeds Pets in Singapore is the best place I've been to when it comes to finding a pet. They have a wide selection of breeds, and all of the animals seem to be well taken care of. The staff was knowledgeable and friendly, and overall we had a great experience. Highly recommend!" - Jeanine C.

All breeds pedigree

Dog breeds

Dog type


Dog species

Small dog breeds

Most popular dog breeds worldwide

Dog species name

Dog match

American Pitbull

Great Pyrenees

Basset Hound






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觀 Pets Pacific Pte Ltd 座落於新加坡
