熱搜情報網 > 寵物商店 > Ku Go Pet Grooming House

Ku Go Pet Grooming House


✉  香港龍坪道9-13號畢架山花園商場 (行車路線)


☎ 2247 1077  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. 於香港Ku Go Pet Grooming House對客戶及其寵物提供一系列專業的寵物美容服務,包括梳洗,修剪,修指甲,抗日晒等。 

2. 為了確保客戶及其寵物的不受傷害,Ku Go Pet Grooming House採用專業的美容服務,並確保其中所有的產品均符合標準安全指引和衛生要求。

3. Ku Go Pet Grooming House擁有一群高專業的美容師,確保每一個寵物都得到溫柔且專業的服務。

4. Ku Go Pet Grooming House提供各種最新的美容和護理產品,確保給客戶和寵物最高品質的產品,并為客戶及其寵物提供最好的保護。

5. Ku Go Pet Grooming House創新的教育網路,讓客戶及其寵物能夠更好地了解有關美容及寵物健康議題。 

6. Ku Go Pet Grooming House的服務以及產品均堅持低入場門檻,以鼓勵更多人加入,并提供多樣化的寵物服務體驗。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1.“I recently took my Labrador to Ku Go Pet Grooming House and was super impressed with the market. They were very professional and took great care of my dog. He looked so good after they finished grooming him and they even gave me a discount on the service. Highly recommend this place if you want your pet to be pampered and taken care of.”

2.“I brought my Shih Tzu to Ku Go Pet Grooming House recently and I was really glad I did. They did an amazing job and he looked so good after his grooming session! The staff was friendly and very patient with my pup. Prices were also very reasonable. A great experience overall.”




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