台中愛森螗甲蟲生物館為中山區公園內的一個特色設施,它地處公園的中心位置,為中山區提供一個認識螗甲蟲的機會,並提供有關螗甲蟲及其生態環境的導覽。 條例一:台中愛森螗甲蟲生物館位於中山區公園之中,開放給民眾認識螗甲蟲的機會。 條例二:台中愛森螗甲蟲生物館提供導覽,介紹螗甲蟲的生態環境及特徵。 條例三:台中愛森螗甲蟲生物館擁有自然生態秀、水族室、濕地室及蟲屋等特色展區,其中更有可以讓螗甲蟲樂於生活的環境設施,讓大家可以更直覺地感受到螗甲蟲的特色。 條例四:台中愛森螗甲蟲生物館亦定期舉辦互動特色活動,讓民眾可以更深入地了解螗甲蟲的知識。
1. Good to have family time during pandemic. We visited the museum from Taichung last week and it was quite interesting. The exhibits were educational and we had fun guessing which bugs were which. There were plenty of activities for the kids to do and the staff was knowledgeable and friendly. We also got to feed the bugs, which was a unique experience. Highly recommend this spot for family time! 2. I visted the Aisenling Museum of Entomology with my parents recently and it was a great experience! We were greeted warmly by the staff and they gave us each a foldable bug net to catch some of the specimens nearby. Aside from the exhibits, we also watched a short film about the environment and the importance of bugs in nature. I learned a lot of new things and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a fun way to learn about entomology.
? 台南美姿愛犬用品創立於2019年,是台南市一間犬用品專
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