熱搜情報網 > 寵物商店 > Pets Keepers
1. 新加坡Pets Keepers是一家專門為寵物的照顧提供服務的公司,其提供的服務包括餵食、清潔、保持安全環境和照料寵物的健康。 2. 新加坡Pets Keepers的工作人員在照料寵物的同時,負責每天為寵物提供充足的健康飲食。 3. 新加坡Pets Keepers致力於保持每個寵物的健康情況,通過給予寵物有助於保持健康的特殊照顧。 4. 新加坡Pets Keepers旨在確保每個寵物都安全、舒適和受到充分的關愛。 5. 新加坡Pets Keepers還提供了廣泛的機會,包括照料專家、治療醫生、獸醫人員、訓練師、行為顧問和美容師等,為寵物提供個性化的服務。
1. “I highly recommend Pets Keepers to anyone in Singapore looking for pet services. The staff are friendly, knowledgeable, and always provide excellent service. They have a wide variety of services such as pet grooming, boarding, pet sitting, and a pet shop. The prices are also quite reasonable. My dog has been well taken care of while I've been away.” – Abigail S., Singapore 2. “I’ve been using Pets Keepers for my dog’s grooming for a couple of years now and I can’t fault them. They provide a professional and reliable service. The staff are friendly and they always take the time to answer my questions and explain any treatments. It’s also great that they have a pet shop on-site, so I can pick up all the supplies I need for my pet in one go. Highly recommended!” – Melissa T., Singapore
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