1. 新北市QCC寵物樂園為消費者提供完善的室內設施,以滿足寵物的放鬆和活動需求; 2. 新北市QCC寵物樂園將提供寵物休息區、玩耍區和精緻的訓練項目等多樣性的服務與消費者; 3. 新北市QCC寵物樂園依據消費者所提出的需求,提供日間和長期照料的服務; 4. 新北市QCC寵物樂園將為寵物提供專業的照護服務,以確保其健康與安全; 5. 新北市QCC寵物樂園將提供毛孩洗澡、美容服務以及訓練課程,以提供完善的服務; 6. 新北市QCC寵物樂園將因應消費者的需求,提供訓練服務以及其它額外的表演,以增加寵物的活動互動。
Google中給出的評論: 1. “I've been to New Taipei City's QCC Pet Park several times and it's been a great experience each time. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable, and the park is well maintained, clean, and safe. There are many amenities such as a petting zoo, dog runs, and a restaurant. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a fun day out with their pets.” 2. “My family and I went to QCC Pet Park in New Taipei City last weekend and we had an awesome time. There were a ton of activities to do like a petting zoo, dog runs, and a mini aquarium. The park was very clean and well maintained. The staff were friendly and helpful. We had a great time and would definitely come back again.” 3. “QCC Pet Park in New Taipei City is an amazing place to take your pets on a day out. The park is spacious, clean, and has a lot of activities to keep your pets entertained. There are plenty of petting zoos, dog runs, and a restaurant. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable, and always willing to help. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a fun day out with their pet.”
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