熱搜情報網 > 寵物商店 > Three Dog Bakery

Three Dog Bakery

The Three Dog Bakery is a Hong Kong-based bakery shop that specializes in natural and organic treats for dogs. The Three Dog Bakery was founded in the year 2000 and has since become one of the most popular and successful bakeries in Hong Kong.

The Three Dog Bakery offers a wide variety of all-natural and organic treats, including all-natural dog treats, bakery treats, and even gourmet treats. All of their products are made fresh every day with human grade ingredients. All of their products are also GMO and artificial coloring free.

The Three Dog Bakery also offers home-baked treats, organic treats, and even gluten-free treats. Some of their most popular products include double-baked treats, crunchy catfish treats, and snacks made with sweet potato. They also offer a selection of homemade ice cream for dogs.

The Three Dog Bakery is committed to providing healthy and safe treats for dogs. All of their products are packaged in recyclable packaging and free of chemicals and unnatural preservatives. They also strive to provide their customers with the highest quality products and excellent customer service.

The Three Dog Bakery stands out from other bakeries due to their commitment to providing natural and organic treats for dogs at an affordable price. They also believe in using only human grade ingredients and do not use additives or preservatives in any of their products.

The Three Dog Bakery also offers online ordering and delivery services for their customers. This makes it easier for customers to purchase treats for their pets without having to leave the house.

Overall, The Three Dog Bakery is a great choice for pet owners who are looking for healthy and safe treats for their furry friends. Their commitment to using natural and organic ingredients, their affordable prices, and their excellent customer service makes them a great choice for pet owners who want to give their pets the best.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  香港北角長康街20號 (行車路線)


☎ 2792 6778  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

一、Three Dog Bakery是香港首屈一指的寵物派對及蛋糕餐廳,會為狗狗及他們的家庭提供各種美味及健康的甜點和食品 。 

二、Three Dog Bakery重視環境及安全的標準,並且確保所有的材料都符合德國微生物標準 。

三、Three Dog Bakery採用純天然及有機的材料,所有的食品中都沒有任何的人工添加劑,也沒有任何的化學添加劑 。

四、Three Dog Bakery提供一系列的餐點,包括狗狗的寵物派對,狗狗專屬的蛋糕和糕點,以及專用的肉類及罐頭食品 。

五、Three Dog Bakery每天都會派出新鮮的安全食品,以提供給客人最好的寵物飲食體驗! 


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

大眾對於Three Dog Bakery的評論都十分正面,用戶高度肯定Three Dog Bakery的專業能力和服務。許多用戶和評論家認為,Three Dog Bakery的食物質量很高,並且有很多種類可供選擇。此外,Three Dog Bakery的店員都非常熱情友善,會詳細解釋每一款產品的配方和價格,並為消費者提供詳盡的關於產品選擇和用法的諮詢。

Three dog Bakery

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