熱搜情報網 > 寵物商店 > Tanglin Halt Aquarium

Tanglin Halt Aquarium


✉  Halt market #01-, 177 River Valley Rd, 26, 新加坡 179030 (行車路線)




**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
1. 新加坡Tanglin Halt Aquarium提供獨特的大型水族箱,其中有深及4.5米,淺及2.3米的選擇,可以同時容納100多種不同種類的海洋生物。

2. 水族箱擁有豐富的珊瑚礁環境,提供給海洋生物最理想的棲息環境。

3. 除此之外,新加坡Tanglin Halt Aquarium還提供不同種類的教育活動,主要的討論主題為海洋保育和海洋相關知識。

4. 另外,新加坡Tanglin Halt Aquarium提供獨特的海洋教育體驗,讓遊客可以近距離接觸海洋生物,包括餵養和擁抱海洋動物,更可於活動中了解更多關於海洋生物的知識。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
1. “The Tanglin Halt Aquarium is an amazing place to visit. It’s a great place to learn about different kinds of ocean life and the staff are always very helpful and friendly. It’s a great place to take kids and it’s very well maintained. You can even feed the fish if you purchase the specially prepared food. Overall, it’s an enjoyable experience and definitely worth the visit.” 

2. “Tanglin Halt Aquarium is one of the most amazing places I have ever visited. The tanks are huge and filled with a variety of interesting and colourful fish. It’s a great place for kids to explore and learn about different kinds of marine life. The staff are friendly and extremely knowledgeable. It’s a great place to spend an afternoon learning and having fun. Highly recommended.”




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