【Google商家評論】 1. "I've been very happy with the care I have received from Dr. Hung Zhen-Kai's Clinic in New Taipei City. They have been very accommodating and helpful in dealing with my health issues, and have always responded quickly to any questions or concerns I have had. Highly recommend!" 2. "I have been a patient of Dr. Hung Zhen-Kai's Clinic in New Taipei City since 2005 and I can honestly say I could not be more pleased with the level of care I have been receiving. Dr. Hung and his staff are friendly, professional and knowledgeable. Highly recommended!" 3. "I have been to Dr. Hung Zhen-Kai's Clinic in New Taipei City twice this past year and both times the service was great. Dr. Hung was friendly and very knowledgeable about my health issues. He was also willing to answer any questions I had. Highly recommended!"
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惠康診所 楊明仁診所 台東縣蘭嶼鄉衛生所 大竹藥局 文彬立安診所 明榮診所 永旭診所 真生內兒科診所 嘉恩聯合診所新北市嘉恩聯合診所是台灣新北市的一家醫療機構,位於新北市板橋
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國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 晨新診所桃園市晨新診所(又譯桃園晨新診所)是位於台灣桃園市中壢區的綜