。 1. "I took my baby to the Dr. Pan Clinic in Yilan City and was very pleased with the quality of care. The doctor was very knowledgeable and friendly and the staff was very helpful. Highly recommend this clinic." - B. H. (Google Reviews) 2. "Dr. Pan was great! He took extra time to explain our diagnosis and to make sure we understood it. He offered a variety of options for treatment and was very patient with us. The staff was also very nice and accommodating. Highly recommend!" - E. W. (Google Reviews) 3. "I went to the Dr. Pan Clinic in Yilan City for a checkup and was very satisfied with the experience. The doctor was friendly and knowledgeable, and the staff was very helpful. I highly recommend this clinic!" - H. H. (Google Reviews)
祐全大藥局位於新北市輔大路134號 祐全大藥局位於新北市輔大路134
高雄榮民總醫院臺南分院 至安診所 佑家親子診所 臺中市外埔區衛生所 瑞生醫院高雄瑞生醫院是台灣最重要的醫療機構之一。它提供廣泛的醫療保健
仁安內科診所 婦欣診所台中婦欣診所位於台中市,由醫學博士吳宗翰醫師創辦於1993年
張祐禎家庭醫學科診所 新泰綜合醫院 農安診所 沈俊良診所 潘老師整復所屏東縣潘老師整復所是位於台灣屏東縣潑邊地區的一家以提供整復治
加昇診所 仲景藥局 蘇游耳鼻喉科診所台中蘇游耳鼻喉科診所位於台中市豐原區復興路151號,是一間專
博濟診所 華杏診所 宏昇家畜醫院