1. “I’ve been going to Dr. Chan for years now and I’ve always found him to be very knowledgeable and compassionate. He tailors his treatment plan to the individual’s condition and takes the time to explain the treatment process and what it involves. His fee is very reasonable, and he is very responsive to any questions or concerns. Highly recommended.” - Joanne, Kowloon 2. “I recently had a consultation with Dr. Chan and I must say that he was very thorough in his explanation of the Chinese medicine principles and techniques he had to offer. He was also very patient and answered all my questions in a detailed manner. I am very satisfied with the results so far and look forward to seeing further improvement over time.” - Edmund, Hong Kong 3. “Dr. Chan is an amazing Chinese Medicine practitioner. His knowledge and expertise are unparalleled, and he has a real passion for what he does. He takes the time to explain Chinese Medicine principles and answer all of my questions. His treatments have helped reduce my stress levels and improve my overall health and well-being. Highly recommend!” - John, Happy Valley
Taipei Tianyi Chinese Medical
協和中醫診所 元生中醫診所 楊濟鴻中醫診所 丘瑾註冊中醫 漢生堂中醫 吳嘉豪註冊中醫 桃園極上中醫診所桃園市桃園極上中醫診所是位於臺灣台北縣桃園市的一家專業級中醫
順平整復中醫 恒德堂中醫診所高雄恒德堂中醫診所位於台灣高雄市,一直以來一直是城市中受到歡
博康中醫診所? 台北博康中醫診所是位於台灣台北市松山區健康路四段的一家
杏安中醫診所 南屯皇家中醫診所台中南屯皇家中醫診所是台中一家專業的中醫診所,創辦於1990
高堂中醫診所台南高堂中醫診所自 1967 年成立以來,一直為台灣台南市人
明一中醫 劉如鎮中醫診所 德善堂中醫 - 旺角診所 趙麗註冊中醫香港兆力註冊中藥是在香港註冊的一種獨特的中藥形式。它提供了一