Google+: "I had an appointment at the Weide Internal Medicine Clinic in Miaoli County and was more than satisfied with the quality of care. The clinic is clean and modern, the staff is friendly and knowledgeable, and Dr. Hu is very attentive and answered all of my questions. I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone looking for a reliable and professional medical care." Google Maps: "I just had my first visit at the Weide Internal Medicine Clinic in Miaoli County today and was extremely impressed. Dr. Hu and her staff were so friendly and very patient in answering all of my questions. The clinic was clean and modern and the wait time was minimal. I highly recommend this clinic if you're looking for a reliable and professional medical care."
張內科診所 新人內科診所 張漢權內科診所台北張漢權內科診所(Taipei Chang Hwan Ku
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陳易泰內科中醫診所 陳建富內科診所台中陳建富內科診所由台中內科醫學系陳建富教授創立於1999年
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