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台灣基督長老教會明德教會MingDe Taiwan Presbyterian Church:中文名稱:台灣基督長老教會明德教會英文名稱:MingDe Taiwan Presbyterian Church 分類:教會宗派:台灣基督長老教會總會事務所 國別區域:台灣設立時間:1975-09-28
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Grace Church Taipei - 首頁| Facebook:161 Mingde Road, B2, 臺北市112. 規劃路線. 549 人在這裡打過卡. http://www.gracechurchtaipei.org/. +886 2 2822 4466. 教堂. Grace Church is the body of Christ ...
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Grace Church Taipei - Home | Facebook:When you come out of the station, turn left and cross the street to the 7-Eleven and keep walking in that direction down Mingde Road. Grace Church is on the ...
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2021最新【台北-Mingde 】評價、電話、營業時間:Mingde Chruch 地址:號明德教會, No. 122中山北路七段士林區 ... Mingde Chruch ... 台北城中基督生命堂Central Taipei Christ Life Church ♜ 16室, No.
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Grace Church, No. 161, Mingde Road, Phone +886 2 2822 4466:Reviews about Grace Church, Taiwan, phone numbers, addresses, hours. Leave your feedback. ... 161, Mingde Road, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112.
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Grace Church Taipei - LocalPrayers logo:Grace Church is about a 5-minute walk from Mingde MRT Station. When you come out of the station, turn left and cross the street to the 7-Eleven and keep walking ...