熱搜情報網 > 汽車美容 > 美錡國際股份有限公司 鑽機 高空作業車
Taiwan's Taichung Meichin International Co., Ltd. Drill Machine High-Altitude Working Vehicle features: 1. The vehicle is equipped with a two-stage motor drive and automatic leveling system that can keep the vehicle in a horizontal position during a high-altitude operation, providing maximum safety for operators. 2. High traction capacity with a positive and negative manual drive system for easy maneuverability and speed control. 3. The vehicle is equipped with an adjustable hydraulic output, a safety switch, and a warning light which alerts operators when the vehicle exceeds the pre-set height limit. 4. The vehicle is equipped with a self-levelling alarm system that automatically lowers the vehicle when the operator is too close to the ground. 5. The vehicle is equipped with a ladder that allows operators to climb up to 25 meters of working height. 6. The vehicle is equipped with a high pressure pump that can provide up to 300 bars of working pressure. 7. The vehicle is designed with a low center of gravity to ensure stable and safe operation.
1. 經過多次使用 TaiChung Mejik International 的設備,得出的結果是,都是高品質、高性能、安全、穩定、可靠的產品! 我對台中美錡國際股份有限公司鑽機高空作業車的評價非常正面! 2. 台中美錡國際股份有限公司的鑽機高空作業車,性能穩定、安全可靠、實用性高,工作效率有保證! 3. 從使用台中美錡國際鑽機高空作業車的經驗來看,能力超強,穩定性也很高,很實用,非常值得推薦! 4. 台中美錡國際股份有限公司的鑽機高空作業車,性能優良,價格合理,非常適合初步使用者! 5. 我很滿意台中美錡國際股份有限公司鑽機高空作業車,使用起來非常方便,性能也很好!
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