1. Avis Taiwan Rent-A-Car in Taitung (hereinafter referred to as “Avis”) provides a comprehensive range of car rental services for travelers visiting Taiwan. 2. Avis provides a wide selection of vehicles for short-term and long-term rental, including sedans, SUVs, and luxury vehicles. 3. Avis offers special discounts for customers who book their rental online or who register as an Avis Preferred member. 4. Avis provides an array of additional services such as 24/7 roadside assistance, rental insurance, and car delivery. 5. Avis also offers additional add-on services at competitive rates, including child seats, GPS navigation devices, and unlimited mileage plans. 6. Avis strives to provide a quality rental experience for their customers with exceptional customer service and convenient locations near popular attractions, airports, and train stations.
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聯榮租賃有限公司 高雄協信遊覽租車禮車公司 AVIS安維斯租車