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Dove Industries Pte


Dove Industries Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based company that has been serving customers since 1981. It offers a wide range of products and services such as metal processing, precision engineering, automation equipment, and contract manufacturing. Its core expertise lies in creating cost-effective and high-quality solutions that meet customer requirements. 

Dove Industries Pte Ltd has a cutting-edge infrastructure and a highly productive team of experts, ensuring that all products are of the highest quality and delivered to customers within agreed deadlines. Their team of experts use the latest technology and innovative methods to provide solutions in areas such as industrial design, machining, welding, fabrication, and product realization. 

Dove Industries Pte Ltd is a reliable and trustworthy partner that provides excellent customer service. The team works closely with clients to gain an understanding of their needs and then develop effective, tailored solutions. This ensures that projects are on-budget, on-time, and of the highest quality. Customers appreciate how easily Dove Industries can take an idea from concept to reality. 

In addition to providing products and services, Dove Industries Pte Ltd also works to create an environment of innovation, creativity, and collaboration. It strives to contribute to the development of the local economy and to create a sustainable and vibrant community.

Dove Industries Pte Ltd has earned its reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy partner, providing quality products and services at competitive prices. Its commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and sustainability makes it an invaluable asset for anyone looking for a reliable and innovative partner.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  Singapore, 新加坡 128383 (行車路線)


☎ 6261 6668  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

新加坡Dove Industries Pte Ltd是一家獨立自主的投資公司,在新加坡和各地經營投資業務。為滿足不同客戶的需求,Dove Industries Pte Ltd提供客戶多樣的服務和產品。

第一條:Dove Industries Pte Ltd提供的服務包括有關投資業務的咨詢、財務分析、資產管理、資產保險和贊助有關業務的顧問諮詢等咨詢服務。

第二條:Dove Industries Pte Ltd提供的產品包括股票、債券、共同基金、衍生品、私人股份有限公司等多種投資產品。

第三條:Dove Industries Pte Ltd提供的投資服務涵蓋了新加坡和國際市場,該公司在兩地尋求最佳的投資報酬。

第四條:Dove Industries Pte Ltd特別針對高凈值客戶和較低凈值客戶提供定制投資服務,滿足客戶個人需求。

第五條:Dove Industries Pte Ltd提供專業顧問諮詢服務,包括財務顧問、稅務從業人員和投資銀行家等,以提供最佳的投資建議。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

- 用戶teriyakikiss 在Tripadvisor給予Dove Industries Pte高度讚賞說:“Dove Industries Pte是一家專業的公司,提供了高品質的產品和專業的服務。他們的工作人員都很認真負責,並時刻保持專業性和貼心關懷。他們的產品也十分可靠,經濟實惠。 我一直很滿意他們的服務!”

- 用戶RachelLin 在Facebook給予Dove Industries Pte的回饋也很滿意,說:“我是Dove Industries Pte的忠實客戶,他們的服務一直很棒,產品也很可靠,專業服務員態度很好。特別感謝Dove Industries Pte,讓我有信心繼續採購他們的產品!”

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