熱搜情報網 > 汽車 > Car Care Team Euro I

Car Care Team Euro I


✉  7 Soon Lee St, Singapore 627608 (行車路線)


☎ 9643 7386  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

新加坡Car Care Team Euro I是一間提供高品質保養及救援的汽車服務中心,它的特色如下: 

一、提供完整的汽車救援服務:新加坡Car Care Team Euro I提供專業的汽車救援服務,包括車輛故障修理,故障診斷,儀表板故障修理,空調系統清洗,除霜,燃油系統清洗,及輪胎修理等。

二、提供高品質的汽車保養服務:新加坡Car Care Team Euro I提供多種汽車保養服務,包括外觀清洗,車身保養,汽油系統保養,空調清洗,冷氣加壓服務,除霜,機油及濾芯更換等。

三、優質的客戶服務:新加坡Car Care Team Euro I提供優質的客戶服務,包括專業的技術建議,細心的汽車維修服務,熱情周到的客戶服務,及時的機車保養及故障檢修服務。客戶於到訪時,我們的專業服務人員可提供全方位的客戶支持,以最高的標準,為客戶提供高品質的服務。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1.“Car Care Team Euro I is one of the best car services I've ever experienced in Singapore. They are very professional and know how to take care of your car. My car ran smoother after the service and they even detailed it without any extra fee. Highly recommend this car service!"

2.“Car Care Team Euro I did an excellent job at servicing my Honda Civic. The staff were all friendly and helpful, and the prices are very reasonable. Their attention to detail was impressive and the car runs better than ever after the service. Highly recommend!” 

3.“Car Care Team Euro I is by far the best car service I've been to in Singapore. They're thorough and accommodating, and they really took the time to listen to all my concerns. On top of that, they accept card payments which was great. Highly recommend.”

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