熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Ting Heng Seafood Re

Ting Heng Seafood Re

Ting Heng Seafood Restaurant is one of the most popular seafood restaurants in Singapore. It offers the freshest and highest quality seafood available, and the restaurant offers value for money prices.

The restaurant has a large variety of seafood dishes on offer, focusing on both local and international flavors. The restaurant is known for its freshness, quality, and well-cooked seafood dishes. The chefs use tried and tested recipes which are cooked to perfection, offering diners a unique and exciting experience.

The restaurant’s signature dishes include its popular Chilli Crab and fresh oyster dishes. The restaurant also serves a range of traditional Chinese Seafood dishes such as Steamed Fish, and signature dishes like the Baked Prawns. The restaurant also has a variety of soups, such as the Braised Pigtail Soup, which are renowned for their freshness and flavor.

The restaurant is well known for its high standards of service and cleanliness. The staff are friendly and attentive, and the atmosphere is welcoming and comfortable. The restaurant prides itself on its commitment to quality, and its philosophy of always striving to provide diners with the best possible experience.

The restaurant offers great value for money, with prices starting at S$5 for a main course. The prices are also significantly lower than other seafood restaurants in Singapore, making it an ideal choice for diners who are looking for a quality meal without breaking the bank.

Overall, Ting Heng Seafood Restaurant is a great place to enjoy a meal. The seafood is fresh and of the highest quality, and the prices are reasonable. The staff are friendly and attentive, and the ambience is warm and inviting. For anyone looking for an enjoyable and value for money seafood experience in Singapore, Ting Heng Seafood Restaurant is the perfect choice.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  82 Tiong Poh Rd, Singapore 160082 (行車路線)


☎ 6323 6830  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1)新加坡Ting Heng Seafood Re提供多種精緻海鮮料理,包括牡蠣、海鮮火鍋、蒜泥螃蟹、鹹蛋蝦仁餅等。

2)Ting Heng Seafood Re設有多個私人用餐區,提供客人一個安靜舒適的用餐環境。

3)Ting Heng Seafood Re提供客人多種菜單,包括中式、越南式和地道的新加坡料理。

4)Ting Heng Seafood Re的廚師用最新鮮而健康的食材熬製美饌,讓客人品嚐不一樣的海鮮美味。

5)Ting Heng Seafood Re提供特色餐點,包括魚骨湯、豉汁芥蘭、蒜茸豆豉蝦、蒜蓉粉絲豆腐等。

6)Ting Heng Seafood Re提供品質優良、高端服務,讓客人一次擁有完美的用餐體驗。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Ting Heng Seafood Restaurant 的大眾評論很正面。大部分客人都稱讚他們的餐點和服務水準都站在了一個很高的水平。他們的菜單很多樣,客人們不管是來用餐盡情暢遊或是只想吃小份的都能滿足他們的胃口。有客人稱讚他們的海鮮湯很清香,有的客人也指出他們烹調的海鮮品質很高,每一道都搭配了精心烹調的調料。有客人也稱讚他們的服務人員服務得很親切友善,而他們的價格也很公道。很多客人也表示Ting Heng Seafood Restaurant 是一家很值得推薦的海鮮餐廳,他們會邀請家人和朋友來吃海鮮晚餐。

Ting Heng seafood restaurant menu

Ting Heng Seafood Restaurant Review

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Ting Heng reservation

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等 香港粥麵館是一間有著悠久歷史的傳統餐廳,位於香港的



⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐李掌櫃精緻乾拌麵 民生店(近西華飯店))⭐⭐⭐利興燒臘餐廳⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐周記鴨肉飯




⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Laser Zone⭐⭐⭐阿伯阿嬤湯圓

與設備 台北阿伯阿嬤湯圓是台北很有名的湯圓專賣店,開業於1

⭐⭐⭐⭐大立小吃梧棲店)⭐⭐⭐⭐岩城日本料理⭐⭐⭐藏室HiddenBurger-美式漢堡英⭐⭐⭐⭐玄馥日式料理簡餐⭐⭐⭐⭐Gold House 金色小屋_早午餐・⭐⭐⭐⭐巴洛克風味館





, 台北麗卿小吃店是1996年在台北開業的傳統小吃店,至今
