熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Saigon Bistro

Saigon Bistro

Saigon Bistro是一家位於香港的越南餐廳,致力於提供道地的越南美食和懷舊元素。店家以特殊的風格呈現越南文化,營造出一個充滿越南風情的烹飪空間。店內以歐陸傳統風格裝潢,餐點以越南香料為重點,重點推出越南的精華菜色,遊客可以在這裡享受到來自西贡的傳統美食與新口味滋味,為消費者帶來一個全新的口腔體驗。

餐點的精髓源於Saigon Bistro的經營團隊到越南巡迴學習,仔細挑選越南廚藝珍稀原料,將它們傳入店內,藉此提供最獨特、最精緻又不失原汁原味的美食給客人。 Saigon Bistro推出多種越南料理,包括越南米糕、牛肉河粉、鹽酥雞等各類越南招牌料理,滿足消費者的各種口味需求。

Saigon Bistro 還提供其他一些地方特色料理,比如:南越煎豬扒、薑汁嫩雞、椒鹽焗豬扒等等招牌料理,讓消費者可以一睹紛呈南越廚藝。此外,餐點價格相宜,店內服務態度進取,讓消費者可以在抑鬱灰色的現實生活中,尋得片刻越南芬芳風情。

Saigon Bistro是一間極具特色的越南餐廳,店內環境及服務態度都非常出色,提供的精緻美食也獨具特色,以及價格相宜,口碑甚佳。它的用餐體驗,沒有任何其他商家可以比擬,極大地滿足了客人的味蕾和美學要求。此外,Saigon Bistro在品質與服務上經得起消費者的慎重挑選,讓每一道料理都是獨一無二,極大地提升了用餐體驗的價值與樂趣。
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  香港屯門屯門屯隆街3號屯門市廣場一期2樓2182舖 (行車路線)


☎ 2899 0093  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Saigon Bistro is a restaurant located in Hong Kong that offers an authentic Vietnamese dining experience. The restaurant specializes in traditional Vietnamese dishes, including favorites like Pho, Bun Bo Hue, summer rolls, and many other popular dishes.

The restaurant seeks to provide the best dining experience to its customers, and thus has several special features and terms.

Special Features:

1. All dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients and authentic Vietnamese recipes.

2. Sauces used in the dishes are made in-house and are all GMO-free.

3. Dine-in customers are served complimentary beverages with their meals.

4. All to-go orders come with free packaging and complimentary utensils.

5. Saigon Bistro provides catering services for special occasions.

6. The restaurant provides delivery services within Hong Kong.

Terms and Conditions:

1. All customers are required to wear a face mask upon entering the restaurant.

2. All orders must be placed in advance for dine-in or takeout.

3. The minimum order for delivery is HK$100.

4. Online payments are accepted via PayPal or major credit cards.

5. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

6. No refunds or exchanges are allowed.

7. Gift cards are non-refundable and non-transferable.


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

- 【TripAdvisor】

Saigon Bistro在TripAdvisor上收到了一系列評論,大多數評論都對Saigon Bistro服務和食物表示了正面的反饋。



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