熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Kampong Chai Chee Re

Kampong Chai Chee Re

Kampong Chai Chee Re是一間位於新加坡餐廳,它提供獨特的東南亞美食,為客人提供口齒留香的經驗。它來自於一個古老的客家社區,因此堅持烹飪傳統客家菜肴。客人可以在這裡品嚐到富含彩色、香味和味道的美食,讓他們一探客家料理的精華。Kampong Chai Chee Re與其他傳統新加坡美食廳不同,它在烹飪技術,食材與菜式選擇上都極具特色,稱得上是新加坡客家菜的標竿。

Kampong Chai Chee Re的主打菜就是客家菜,它有多樣的客家美食選擇,如:客家炒飯、腊味飯、蝦子烤餅、客家烤肉、糯米雞、南乳、蒜蓉蝦汁炒叻沙、客家豬肉大腸捲蔥油和客家醬炒大蝦等。除此之外,餐廳還提供多樣的配菜,包括客家煎蛋、芙蓉肉、榨菜炒蛋、肉沫蒸蛋、紅蘿蔔糕等。在這裡,客人可以參與傳統的客家餐桌文化,品嚐現代新加坡的客家料理混搭,同時也可以感受到來自海洋的新鮮口感。

Kampong Chai Chee Re的價值在於,它提供獨特的客家料理,並以經典的客家文化為客人提供了一個古老而又舉足輕重的體驗。同時,餐廳重視食材新鮮度和烹調技術,確保每道菜餚都做到最完美,讓客人能夠體驗新加坡傳統美食的精華。而新鮮美食、熱情好客的服務及豐富的菜單,使Kampong Chai Chee Re成為新加坡客家美食的標竿。
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  303 Changi Rd, 新加坡 419781 (行車路線)


☎ 6841 5005  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Kampong Chai Chee Re is a vibrant neighborhood located in Singapore and is well-known for its unique blend of culture and heritage.

1. Kampong Chai Chee Re is steeped in history and culture, and has been in existence since the 1800s. 

2. It is home to several famous landmarks, such as the Kampong Chai Chee Mosque and the Kampong Chai Chee Cemetery, which has become a popular tourist attraction. 

3. It has a vibrant street food scene, with stalls selling a variety of local dishes and snacks. 

4. This neighborhood is also home to a large Chinese population, which adds to its cultural diversity. 

5. Kampong Chai Chee Re also has a lively nightlife, with several bars and restaurants located in the area. 

6. The area also celebrates several festivals and events throughout the year, including the Chai Chee Lantern Festival, which is a popular event among locals and tourists alike.


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Google Reviews

Kampong Chai Chee Re has received a 4.2 star rating based on 30 reviews on Google.

The reviews are generally positive, with people appreciating the delicious food as well as the friendly staff. Many also like the cozy atmosphere at the restaurant. Several have mentioned that the prices are quite reasonable as well.

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